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Common Ski Injuries

Each year more than a half a million people will suffer a ski-related injury.

Knee injuries are the most common, accounting for 30-40%. Recognizing the injury when it occurs and treating it properly is the best way to quicken recovery time and increase the chances of a return to the slopes before the end of the season.

Skiing can be a thrilling and enjoyable winter sport, but like any physical activity, it comes with the risk of injuries. Common ski injuries include:


1.      Sprains and Strains:

Cause: sudden twists, turns or falls

Treatment: Rest, ice, compression and elevation. Over-the-counter pain relievers may help; deep tissue laser therapy; more severe cases may require medical attention

2.     Dislocations:

Cause: high-impact falls or collisions

Treatment: seek immediate medical attention. Do not attempt to relocate the joint yourself, as improper handling can cause further damage.

3.     ACL Tears:

Cause: Sudden stops, changes in direction, or awkward landings

Treatment: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation initially. Consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include physical therapy, deep tissue laser or surgery.

4.     Concussions:

 Cause: Head injuries from falls or collisions.

 Treatment: Immediate medical attention. Rest and avoid activities that could worsen symptoms. Gradual return to normal activities under medical supervision. Deep tissue laser has been shown to speed up recovery and ease the pain.


5.     Contusions and Bruises:

Cause: Falls or impacts

Treatment: R.I.C.E. method. Over the counter pain relievers may help. Severe bruises may require medical attention. Deep tissue laser will speed up healing times and help with pain control.


6.     Snowboarder’s Wrist:

Cause: Using hands to break a fall

Treatment: Rest, ice and compression. Wrist splints may be used and severe cases may require medical evaluation.

7.     Skier’s Thumb:

Cause: Falling on an outstretched hand, causing the thumb to bend backward.

Treatment: Immobilization with a splint or cast and medical evaluation.

Conservative treatment for ski injuries typically involves non-surgical and non-invasive approaches to promote healing and alleviate symptoms. Here are some general conservative measures that may be applied to various ski injuries:


1.      Rest:

·        Allow the injured area to rest to prevent further damage and promote healing.

2.     Ice:

·        Apply ice packs to the injured area for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours during the initial 48 hours. This helps reduce swelling and numb pain.

3.     Compression:

·        Use compression bandages or wraps to help control swelling. Ensure that the compression is not too tight to avoid compromising blood circulation.

4.     Elevation:

·        Elevate the injured limb or area above the level of the heart to reduce swelling. This is particularly useful for lower extremity injuries.

5.     Over-the-Counter Pain Medications:

·        Non-prescription pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Follow the recommended dosage and guidelines.

6.     Bracing or Splinting:

·        Depending on the type and severity of the injury, using braces or splints may provide support and stability, aiding in the healing process.

7.     Physical Therapy:

·        A physical therapist can design a rehabilitation program to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion, facilitating recovery and preventing future injuries.

8.     Gradual Return to Activity:

·        Once the initial acute phase has passed, gradually reintroduce activities to avoid re-injury. Follow any guidelines provided by healthcare professionals.

9.     Heat Therapy:

·        After the initial swelling has subsided, heat therapy (warm compresses, warm baths, or heating pads) may help relax muscles and promote blood flow.

10.  Anti-Inflammatory Topical Treatments:

·        Creams, gels, or patches containing anti-inflammatory medications may be applied topically to the affected area.

11.   Activity Modification:

·        Adjust activities to avoid putting stress on the injured area. Consider modifying equipment or techniques to reduce strain.

12.  Deep Tissue Laser Therapy:

·        Class IV medical laser will decrease swelling and pain, improve blood flow and stimulate repair on a cellular level.

13.  Chiropractic Care:

·        Chiropractic adjustments will re-align joints and improve nerve and blood flow, increase flexibility, range of motion, and speed up healing time and also prevent future injuries.

It's crucial to note that while conservative treatment can be effective for many ski injuries, severe or persistent cases may require medical intervention. Always consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. If symptoms worsen or don't improve with conservative measures, seek prompt medical attention.

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